A few comments from those who joined

How can joining the WSWSF help you?
Experience will vary, but here are a few comments from those who have participated with us:


"As a parent of a child with WS, the WSWSF group has given us knowledge to learn from, comfort to gain strength from, and love and friendship that crosses many miles but is never lost."
                    P.G. Nebraska, USA


"Thanks to  you  and  Internet  I  discovered  a new world of people with my same illness.   Until now I had the idea that I was alone, now I could feel belonging to a group. This makes me feel less alone and think that my illness is not so hard and this rewards  me for my pain. "
                    M.N. Rome, Italy


"For our part, the WSWSF has been the source of education and encouragement.  We have learnt from the experience of others and it has been good to know that others have at least learnt something from us."
                      P.H. Essex, UK


"Making contact with others with WS has been a source of great relief.  At last there are others who can really understand our situation... We have many new genuine friends who are like extended family members."
                    R.B. Utah, USA


2007 - Worldwide Society of Wolfram Syndrome Families